Boston Stadiums

Boston Stadiums

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Top Ten Greatest Moments in Boston Sports History

Boston Sports have had several amazing moments in its history. Today, I will be counting down the ten best moments in Boston sports history:

10. Ray Allen Sets the Record for Most Three- Pointers in NBA History:

On February 10, 2001, Ray Allen broke Reggie Miller's 2560 3-pointers record and now Allen has the most three pointers in NBA history. This was an amazing moment in Boston sports history and you can definitely tell it is by the crowd's reaction. Ray Allen currently has 2973 3-pointers. The video below shows the very historic moment in Boston sports history.

9. Boston Celtics Domination from 1957-1969:

The Boston Celtics were extremely dominate in the mid- 1900's. The Celtics, lead by Bill Russell won eleven out of thirteen championships from 1957-1969. Within those years, they won eight championships in a row from 1959-1966, which is the longest consecutive streak in any North American professional sports team. The legendary head coach during this time was Red Auerbach. His record as a head coach with the Celtics 795- 397, (.667%) and had nine NBA championships with the team. The amazing performance by the Celtics from 1957- 1969 gave the city of Boston great memories that will live on forever.

8. After a Tragedy in Boston, the Red Sox lift the City's spirits with a 2013 World Series Championship:

On April 15, 2013 at 2:50 pm two bombs went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killing five people and injuring more than 170 people. A few days after, David Ortiz gave a heart-felt speech to the fans at the game that day saying, " Our jerseys that we wear today does not say Red Sox, it says Boston. No one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong." This is where the term, Boston Strong came from. Throughout the season, the Red Sox had command of the AL East Division and not surprisingly won the division. With the people of Boston depressed and very sad because of the terrible tragedy, the Red Sox needed a way to lift there spirits. And they found the most perfect way to do it. The Sox made it to the World Series and they were destine to win it. The Red Sox were led by David Ortiz who was incredible in the series, with a batting average of .668%. In the 6th game of the series with the Sox up in the series 3-2, the Sox played at Fenway and their time was now to win the World Series so they could do it in front of there fans. Sure enough, they did. Koji Uehara closed the game out in the bottom of the ninth to win the world series.

This video is highlights of the 2013 World Series:

This video is a tribute to Boston Strong:


7. Bruins Comeback From a 4-1 Deficit  in the 2013 Playoffs- Conference Quarterfinals 

The Boston Bruins faced off against the Toronto Maple Leaves in the Conference quarterfinals in the 2013 playoffs. The Maple Leaves led 4-1 with just over 10 minutes left in game 7. But, this is where the magic began. Nathan Horton scored with 10 minutes left cutting the Maple Leaves lead to two. Then, for the next 8 minutes, 30 seconds the Bruins did not score. 1 minute and 30 seconds away from elimination, Zdeno Chara fired a slapshot that was saved by James Reimer but it was rebounded by Milan Lucic and he scored. Now the score was 4-3 in game 7 with 1 minute and 30 seconds left in the game. With less than a minute left, the Bruins decided to put their goal keeper, Tuukka Rask on the bench and have an empty net. Then, David Krejci made a perfect pass to Patrice Bergeron who scored a wrist shot to tie the game at 4-4. The game went into overtime and 6 minutes into the period, Lucic shoots the puck that hits a Maple Leaves's defender and goes right to Tyler Seguin. Seguin shoots and Reimer stops the puck. With Reimer and the Maple Leaves defenders scrambling, Bergeron races into the puck in the right circle and scores to win the historic game, 5-4. The Bruins came back to win game 7 and they advanced to the next round in the playoffs. This moment was very special for Bruins' fans and it definitely deserves to be number seven on the countdown. The video below shows this memorable moment.

6. Carlton Fisk's 12th Inning Waved Home Run to Send the Sox to Game 7 in the World Series:

In the 1975 World Series, the Red Sox played the Cincinnati Reds (a.k.a., The Big Red Machine). In the 12th inning of the 6th game of the series, the score was 6-6. Fisk came to the plate and hit a deep fly ball down the left field foul line that appeared to be heading into foul territory. While heading to first base Carlton Fisk jumped and waved his hands in fair territory hoping for a miracle. And a miracle happened as the ball struck the foul pole giving the Red Sox a 7-6 win and forcing a seventh game in the World Series. This is one of the most historic moments in baseball history. The video below shows this miracle moment that will never be forgotten by Red Sox fans ever.

5. Adam Vinatieri's Snow Bowl Kick That Sent the Patriots to O.T. in the Divisional Round of the Playoffs:

Adam Vinatieri

In the 2001 divisional round of the playoffs, the New England Patriots played the Oakland Raiders. The field had four inches of snow on the field and snow continued to pour down. The Patriots were down by three in the fourth quarter with the time close to running out. The Patriots sent out Adam Vinatieri to kick a 45-yard field goal to tie the game. Vinatieri made the clutch field goal through the snow to send the game into overtime. The field goal is considered the toughest and hardest field goal ever. The field goal electrified Patriots fans and this moment is so historic, that it is the number five spot on the countdown. In overtime, Vinatieri made a 25-yarder to win the game and advance in the playoffs. The Patriots ended up winning their first Super Bowl that year. The video below is very blurry so the field goal is very hard to see, but you do see the fans reaction to this special moment.

4. "The Steal"

The historic comeback in the 2004 American League Championship against the Yankees started with "The steal". "The Steal" is the most significant stolen base in MLB history. In the fourth game of the 2004 ALCS, with the Red Sox down three games to nothing, the Yankees were winning 4-3 in the bottom of the ninth and legendary pitcher, Mariano Rivera was on the mound. Dave Roberts came in the game to pinch run for Kevin Millar on first. You know the rest from here; Roberts steals second, Bill Mueller singles and scores Roberts to tie the game and then David Ortiz's 12th inning homerun to win. Dave Roberts sparked the Red Sox's comeback and gave hope back to the fans. Roberts's steal is a moment that will never be forgotten in Beantown. The video below shows this historic moment.

3. Adam Vinatieri's Super Bowl XXXVI Winning Field Goal:

In Super Bowl XXXVI, the New England Patriots played the favorited St. Louis Rams. But the Patriots led the Rams 17-3 heading into the fourth quarter. The Rams weren't going to go down without a fight. A comeback created by Kurt Warner was made in the fourth quarter by scoring two touchdowns and tying the game at 17. The Patriots got the ball at their own 17 yard-line with 1 minute and 21 seconds left on the clock. This is when Tom Brady magic began. Brady completed 4 of 5 passes, including a 26-yard pass to Troy Brown. Brady brought the ball to the Rams 30-yard line and spiked the ball with nine seconds left on the clock. Bill Belichick sent kicker, Adam Vinatieri on to the field to attempt a 48-yard field goal. Vinatieri split the uprights and gave the Patriots their first Super Bowl in franchise history. The video below shows this historic moment in Boston sports history.

2. Bobby Orr's Famous High-Flying Goal to Win First Stanley Cup For the Bruins in 29 Years:

On May 10, 1970, Bobby Orr scored one of the most famous goals in hockey history. It was in the first overtime period in game four, and the Bruins lead the St. Louis Blues three games to none in the 1970 Stanley Cup Finals. With 40 seconds left to go in the game, Orr passed the puck behind the goal to Derek Sanderson who he passed it back to Orr, and he scored and then was tripped by the Blues's defender. Bobby Orr flew through the air with his hands up shown made the image to the left; one of the most famous and recognizable hockey photos ever. The memorable goal gave the Boston Bruins their fourth Stanley Cup championship. Bobby Orr's goal electrified Boston for decades and this incredible moment will stay in Boston sports fans' hearts for ever. That is why I think this moment deserves to be the second greatest moment in Boston sports history on the countdown. A video of Bobby Orr's Stanley Cup winning goal is below.

1. Boston Red Sox Comeback in the ALCS After Being Down Three Games to the Yankees:


My number one greatest moment of all time in Boston sports history is the 2004 Red Sox miracle comeback against the Yankees. The Sox were down 3 games to 0 in the American League Championship and all hope was gone, But thanks to a Dave Robert's steal and David Ortiz's clutchness in the post season, the Sox managed to win four straight games against the Yankees and win the American League pennant.  The curse of the Bambino was waved goodbye in Beantown, when the Sox ended up sweeping the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series (in four games) and receiving the ring shown above. This extraordinary moment tops my countdown of the greatest Boston sports moments of all time because, this comeback is considered one of the best of all of sports history. Also, to make this miracle comeback against the Yankees who have been and still are the Red Sox's biggest rival, made the moment cherished by Sox fans even more. The Boston Red Sox's 2004 post-season will never be forgotten.

This video below summarizes the greatest Boston sports moments. A lot of the moments in the video were including in my countdown, but a few of them were left out.

Thank you so much for checking out my top ten countdown of the greatest Boston sports moments and I hope you enjoyed. If you have any comments, you can comment below. You can also recommend me on google by pressing the g+1 button below. If you would like, you can email this post to someone, you can blog this post yourself, you can share this post to twitter, facebook and pinterest. All of those options are available by pressing the appropriate icons below. If would like to contact me, go to the bottom of the page and put in your name, email and the message you want to send me. This can be a suggestion for the blog or something you would like me to talk about on my blog. You can also follow this blog by email which will automatically send you an email with my latest blog post when I publish it. You follow this blog by going to the bottom of the page and typing in and submitting your email address. Lastly, you may subscribe to my posts on the blog by going to the bottom of the page and clicking what you want to subscribe to. Thank you!
